Custom Commands - by Njinir (Engineer)


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Greetings! I am the admin of TheWalkingZed and want to share how awesome RAT is when it comes to events. I will keep adding to this post as I continue to expand the awesomeness.

Ground Rules:
1) I am not a genius, so no I cant create unicorns.
2) I am always on discord. Just message me.

1) Name: TP Menu
Type: Public Chat
Conditions: Equals:!tp
Script: say "[00FFF] Set your home point by typing !at Home, !rt to remove, !lt to list, !t followed by a name to teleport there.

2) Name: Radio help!
Type: Public Chat
Conditions: STARTSWITH:!radiohelp||ALEVEL:<11||COOLDOWN:24H
se {player_id} 103
say "Thank you for your patronage! Here is a gift from the Rage Admin Team!"
say "You may use this command once per day."

**NOTES** This is so that VIPs get a crate spawned to them 1 time a day. I have my VIPs as admin level 7**

3) Name: Unlock All
Type: Public Chat
Conditions: STARTSWITH:!unlock||ALEVEL:<2
Script: tile access /id={player_id} /r=10
**Notes** This unlocks everything around an admin that uses the command (Chests/Doors)

4) Name: Jail
Type: Public Chat
Conditions: STARTSWITH:!jail||ALEVEL:<2
teleportplayer {2} {tele_Jail}
say "[FFFF00]{2} has been sent to jail by {player_name}"
say "[FFFF00]Warning! Any attempt to leave the jail will result in a permanent ban. Standby for admin."
bc-givebuff {2} buffEncumberedInv
bc-givebuff {2} buffNearDeathTrauma
bc-givebuff {2} buffLegBroken
bc-givebuff {2} buffArmBroken
**Notes** An admin types !jail bob and then Bob goes to Jail.
Now - Effectiveness - I have a few ideas here.
- You can set up a script for all new players that says admin add {player_id} 800 so that all new players are set at 800. Then add a line to this script (below teleportplayer) that says admin add {player_id} 1000. This will lower there permissions to 1000 (normal). Now - set all teleport permissions to use ALEVEL:<900. This means your jailed player cannot use teleport commands to leave. *update* - with these debuffs, people don't walk away that easy. Not really a need to mute them.

**NOTE: Added "Release"
Player Public Chat
teleportplayer {2} {tele_Lobby}
say "[FFFF00]{2} has been released from jail by {player_name}"
say "[FFFF00]{2} remeber we are watching you....."
bc-debuffplayer {2} buffEncumberedInv
bc-debuffplayer {2} buffNearDeathTrauma
bc-debuffplayer {2} buffLegBroken
bc-debuffplayer {2} buffArmBroken
**This will fix them up after they get beat up**

5) Name: Safehouse
Type: Public Chat
Conditions: STARTSWITH:!safe
teleportplayer {{player_name}} {tele_Safe}
sayplayer {{player_name}} "[00FFFF] You have been teleported to the safehouse."
***Notes*** This teleports a player to the safehouse. Use it as a template for your teleport locations.

6) Name: VIP Lounge
Type: Public Chat
Conditions: STARTSWITH:!lounge||ALEVEL:<11||COOLDOWN:1H
teleportplayer {{player_name}} {tele_Lounge}
sayplayer {{player_name}} "[00FFFF] VIPs may use the lounge command to go to the VIP Lounge."
**NOTES** This is a teleport that only a VIP can use, and only one time an hour.

7) NAME: Help
Type: Public Chat
Conditions: STARTSWITH:!help
sayplayer {{player_name}} "[00FFFF] Type !tp for teleport help. Type !commands for list of commands. All commands begin with !."
**Notes** This is just a simple help file. I use !help and also !commands for a list of player commands.

8) Teleport Njinir
Type: Public Chat
Conditions: STARTSWITH:!Njinir
teleportplayer {{player_name}} "Njinir"
sayplayer {{player_name}} "[00FFFF] You have been teleported to the Admin."
**Notes** This is something I use at the beginning of every event. They teleport to me so we can do crazy stuff.

9) Name: Hunting
Type: Public Chat
Conditions: STARTSWITH:!hunt||COOLDOWN:2h
sayplayer {{player_name}} "You activated Animal Hunting. Check for spawns nearby!"
sayplayer {{player_name}} "This is a special Thank You from the Admin Team. You may activate it once every 2 hours!"
se {player_id} 81
se {player_id} 82
se {player_id} 83
se {player_id} 84
**Notes** This will spawn animals for players to hunt. Everyone can use the command once per 2 hours.
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7D2D RAT Supporter
Name: Starterkit
Type: New Player Connected
Conditions: none
Script: bc-give {{player_name}} gunPistol /c=1 /q=1
bc-give {{player_name}} ammo9mmBullet /c=150
bc-give {{player_name}} foodCanChili /c=3
bc-give {{player_name}} drinkJarBoiledWater /c=3
bc-give {{player_name}} cowboyHat /c=1
bc-give {{player_name}} leatherPoncho /c=1
**NOTES** You can continue to expand this one soooo much.
It gives the items at 1 minute into the game (so they are nice and settled).

I made an additional command so that Admins and GMs could issue the starter kit.
Name: Starterkit - Command Only
Player Public Chat
Conditions: STARTSWITH:!starterkit||ALEVEL:<2
bc-give {2} gunCompoundBow /c=1 /q=3
bc-give {2} ammoArrowSteelAP /c=250
bc-give {2} foodCanChili /c=3
bc-give {2} drinkJarBoiledWater /c=3
bc-give {2} armorMiningHelmet /c=1
bc-give {2} leatherPoncho /c=1
bc-give {2} drinkJarGrandpasLearningElixir /c=16
bc-give {2} drinkJarBeer /c=10
sayplayer {{player_name}} "[00FFFF] Read the rules in the lobby. When done, you can teleport using !north, !east, !south, !west, or !horde to go to the horde base. Welcome to our server, friend!"
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Name: Shutdown
Type: Discord Public Chat
Conditions: STARTSWITH:!shutdown
Script: shutdown
**NOTES** My admins have access to the discord channel. They type !shutdown in discord and the server shuts down.
I am hosted so it comes right back up. It can help since we all have discord on our phone.
THUS - we have game chat... on our phone - THANK YOU RAT!


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Name: Motd (Message of the Day)
Type: Player Spawn Join
Conditions: none
Script: sayplayer {{player_name}} "[00FFFF] Welcome {player_name} to TheWalkingZed!"
sayplayer {{player_name}} "[00FFFF] Type !commands for a list of commands."
sayplayer {{player_name}} "[00FFFF] New Traders are on the 3rd Floor! Type !safe to go visit them."
**NOTES** I made this just after I put traders on the 3rd floor of the safe house.
Whenever someone logs in, it gives them a message. It can be used as a template.


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7D2D RAT Supporter
Items I am working on adding:

Mute Player (to the point that RAT does not respond.
This is to add a tag onto my !jail command.
If RAT doesnt respond, they can't leave the jail.

Admin Login Notice
I am working with the Player spawn join to get it to
identify an admin and put in chat, something like
say "{player_name} has joined! Hide the bodies and booze!!"

What I want that I might not get?
A zone system or protection system (but really....not a must have)
Lots of security tools, but I will be looking at BC for those.
Watchlist that notifies admins of bad players, in game, and at login.
Reset Player Profile from in game command
Reserved Slot from in game or maybe just in RAT
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JFF Administrator
Staff member
These are awesome, thank you for sharing them. As we talked about, I'll be adding some of these to the default RAT installation. =)

Also @Njinir Your hunt command, RAT has a random function in it. You could randomly pick a number for the animal types that spawn and their number. =) So your hunts would be totally different each time.


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Teleport to Friend (aka Friend Teleport)
Player Public Chat
tele {player_id} {2}
sayplayer {{player_name}} "Any abuse of the friend teleport results in a ban. Any player grieving will be an immediate ban."

**Note: I have a PvE server that is mostly community based. This teleports any player to another player.
Example: !friend bob
I added


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Player Public Chat
se {player_id} 103
bc-give {{player_name}} drinkJarGrandpasLearningElixir /c=16 /q=1
sayplayer {{player_name}} "[00FFFF] Thank you for your patronage! Here is a gift from the Rage Admin Team!"
sayplayer {{player_name}} "[00FFFF] You may use this command once per day. Drink all 16 elixirs for a 1 hour XP buff!"
**Notes: I add VIPs to "add admin" at level 10 down to 5 based on patronage. This will allow them to get a 1 hour XP buff and a crate, once per day (for most players)**


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Player Public Chat
sayplayer {{player_name}} "[00FFFF] Watch your back! Incoming!"
bc-spawn horde /player={player_name}
bc-spawn horde /player={player_name}


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Donor Admin Command
Player Public Chat
admin add {2} {3}
bc-pn add vip {2} /force
bc-chatcolor {2} FFD700 false
**Notes: Example: !donor <steamId> <Donor level>
I have the permission system set up where donors are level 10. Some commands require 10 to use (VIP Lounge, etc)
I already set up bc-pn (chat color and VIP tag). This does it in 1 shot.
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Admin - Give Treasure
Player Public Chat
bc-givequest treasure_taylor /all
**Notes: Gives all players a treasure hunt quest. They will love you for this one.**


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Event - Server Event - Hosted
Player Public Chat
teleportplayer {{player_name}} Njinir
bc-give {{player_name}} gunPistol /c=1 /q=3
bc-give {{player_name}} ammo9mmBullet /c=500 /q=1
bc-give {{player_name}} medicalFirstAidBandage /c=2 /q=1
bc-give {{player_name}} drinkJarBoiledWater /c=2 /q=1
bc-give {{player_name}} foodCanLamb /c=2 /q=1
bc-give {{player_name}} drinkJarGrandpasLearningElixir /c=10 /q=1
**Notes: I tell everyone to join me for an event. Come with no weapon, and empty inventory. When ready, type !event to join me.
They will teleport to me and get this loot to start the event. We usually trash a city and trigger a horde night (st 77 22 00) will set time at 22 00 on day 77. Good times!


JFF Administrator
Staff member
I don't want to mess up this nice clean thread, but... I had to say "Thank you!" for posting these, these are awesome! =)


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Adding Guild Functionality
I did a few things for this to work, so I will walk through it.
There is only 3 commands (add, remove, help) for guild leaders, but they love it.
Here is how I do it:
In game, press F1 and type: bc-pn
This will give you an idea on how to create a chat prefix group and color.
Lets create a guild called BOO and a guild leader named Bob.
First - I admin add bob 100 (This is so that the commands work)
Second - bc-pn boo (BOO) /color = 1E90FF (blue name)
Third - bc-pn add boo Bob (Now Bob is in BOO)
Now I tell Bob that I will murder him if he abuses any adding/removing players.

Here is my command system.
*All is Player Public Chat
Guild - Commands
sayplayer {{player_name}} "[0000FF] To add, type !gadd (guild name) (player name or steamid). To remove type !gremove (guild name) (player name or steamid). Note - guild names are 1 word and player names have to be 1 word, or else, use their steamid - or contact an admin."
Guild - Add Player
bc-pn add {2} {3} /force
Guild - Remove Player
bc-pn remove {2} {3} /force

I have more things to do, such as - When a guild leader finds a piece of land, they can type !gsummon and it will spawn a guild castle at their location. I already have the castle built as a land claim size with 10 block walls. Its nice.


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Slash Chat
Player Public Chat
sayplayer {{player_name}} "[00FFFF] There are no slash commands. Try !help for more info."
*notes - Added so that players who confuse / for ! can be updated. It is just to give feedback.*


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Comp Package
Player Public Chat
bc-give {{player_name}} gunAK47 /c=1 /q=6
bc-give {{player_name}} ammo762mmBulletFMJ /c=500 /q=1
bc-give {{player_name}} armyPants /c=1 /q=1
bc-give {{player_name}} armyShirt /c=1 /q=1
bc-give {{player_name}} vehicleBicyclePlaceable /c=1 /q=3
bc-give {{player_name}} meleeToolStoneAxeTazas /c=1 /q=6
bc-give {{player_name}} drinkJarGrandpasLearningElixir /c=30 /q=0

*Notes - I activate this every time our server is down, or there is an issue. Its a great morale boost when stuff is messing up.


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VIP Gear
Player Public Chat
bc-give {{player_name}} gunVIPMR10 /c=1 /q=6
bc-give {{player_name}} gunVIPAK47 /c=1 /q=6
bc-give {{player_name}} VIPMaverickShades /c=1 /q=6
bc-give {{player_name}} hpVIPRunningShoes /c=1 /q=6
bc-give {{player_name}} jacketVIPLetter /c=1 /q=6
bc-give {{player_name}} modGunButtkick3000 /c=1 /q=6
bc-give {{player_name}} modGunButtkick4000 /c=1 /q=6
bc-give {{player_name}} armyPants /c=1 /q=6
bc-give {{player_name}} armyShirt /c=1 /q=6
bc-give {{player_name}} modGunScopeLarge /c=1 /q=6
bc-give {{player_name}} modGunReflexSight /c=1 /q=6

*Notes - I use this when a donor/vip joins. It makes my life easier, to just give them their stuff in 1 fair shot.


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PVP - Kill the Killer
Player Killed Player
*no conditions*
say "[FFFF00] {player_killer_name} has killed a player. {player_killer_name} will now be processed. PvP is not allowed on this server, unless specified for an event."
kill {player_killer_id}


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Player Public Chat
sayplayer {{player_name}} "[00FFFF] The live map is found in discord, or open your web browser to Sign in with steam (bottom left). Click Players and Land Claims. Make sure you don't build in a wipe zone."

*Notes - My live map is edited (java script) so that players see areas where they do not need to build. It has helped keep players out of reset zones and works very well. This command gives them that info.